
( 環島 Huándǎo - "journey around the island")Embark on a thrilling journey around Taiwan's captivating shores with Huandao - where adventure meets breathtaking scenery at every turn.Huandao is more than a trip, it is a once-in-a-lifetime mission that becomes such a wonderful experience, that many repeat it.Usually, this quest is done counterclockwise but there are no clear rules and many little detours that really provide interesting perspectives into little seen attractions, high mountains, friendly hosts and forgotten houses somewhere in the jungle.Let's get you started on this journey with this (not yet comprehensive) mini guide:

through rain or traffic


You are eager to cycle around Taiwan? Good for you! Be aware of the torrential rain showers, and unrelentless heat in summer. In about 10-15 days you can do the Huandao by riding your bike for 5-7 hours a day.Taipei has some nice bike lanes and the eastern coast is among the most beautiful - if you catch a short time of good weather and there are fewer trucks than normally.Now, without further ado, here you have the links to experiences of a range of people that have cycled around Taiwan. At least a small selection of people who have done this:

Bicycle Insider Tips

  • - invest 30 NTD into a 7/11 raincoat

  • - always wear a helmet

  • - buy a cheap bike from NTU used bike market (weekly)

  • - invest in a phone holder and charger

  • - prepare komoot apps to supplement google and apple

  • - start in Taipei and go to Taichung

  • - if you have time: plan a detour to Sun Moon Lake from Taichung

  • - if you have more time: loop down to Kenting from Kaohsiung

  • - if you have even more time: explore Taroko Gorge from Hualien

Guestimate: 100+ Bike Huandaos per year

Hyper Hyper

The scooter Huandao

Taiwan is the world's scooter nation number one. You will find tens of millions of scooters in Taiwan and it is still one of the most prominently used form of transportation. Lately, Gogoro has taken Taiwanese cities by storm, but the Huandao is usually still done by CO2 emitting vehicles. 125-250 ccm scooters by Yamaha and local KYMCO and SYM are the most common.Read more about this 6-10 day trip of 3-5 hours per day.

Scooter Insider Tips

  • - a 50-100 ccm scooter if you want to travel really slowly

  • - get a 125-250 ccm scooter if you do not want to spend too much time on the road

  • - new 200-250 ccm scooters cost around 100,000 NTD

  • - used 125 ccm scooters are up for 20,000 NTD

  • - have your international travel license, insurance, passport ready

  • - if you are a resident: make sure you have a local scooter license

  • - a Gogoro Huandao is possible, but best to plan the battery switch meticulously. You might also want to skip detours to Alishan, Kenting etc.

  • - smaller scooters are not allowed on some roads (check beforehand)

Guestimate: 100+ Scooter Huandaos per year

E Bike Huandao


A compromise is doing the e-bike Huandao. It might not be faster than the 7-15 day bicycle Huandao, but you sweat less and can engage more with locals and have a more relaxed passage. Find out from people who did it:

E-Bike Insider Tips

  • - e-bikes are becoming more and more popular and affordable

  • - consider a foldable e-bike in order to combine it with train rides

  • - charging usually often takes 4 hours (perfect to do during a long lunch break and in the evening)

  • - consider bringing a second battery in case you have a heavy e-bike anyways

Guestimate: 10+ E-Bike Huandaos per year (but rising)

Per Pedes

Step by Step

Walking around the island is a major quest. There are only a handful of people that have achieved a huandao by walking. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to accomplish.

Walking Insider Tips

  • - keep your backpack to below 10 kgs

  • - plan for showers and comfortable accommodation

  • - check for shoes stores in advance of the trip

  • - take extra laces

  • - take blasters

Guestimate: 1-2 on foot Huandaos per year

Taiwanese hospitality test


A compromise is doing the e-bike Huandao. It might not be faster than the 7-15 day bicycle Huandao, but you sweat less and can engage more with locals and have a more relaxed passage. Find out from people who did it:

Walking Insider Tips

  • - difficult in Taipei

  • - relatively easy in the south of Taiwan

  • - hence, think about combining it with train rides

  • - easy to catch rides for girls difficult for guys

Guestimate: 10 hitchhike Huandaos per year


Huandao in a van

The somewhat most comfortable way of Huandao: in a van. Yes, #Vanlife is already some years past us, but a van is still the best way to bring your home with you on the tour and you can be the one inviting strangers on your Huandao for a coffee!

Walking Insider Tips

  • - camper van rentals are pricey... 3000-5000 NTD per day

  • - buy a used camper van for 500,000

  • - camper vans usually smaller on Japanese chassis

  • - familiarise with local traffic rules especially left turns

Guestimate: 20 camper van Huandaos per year


Huandao by train

Taiwan has build one of the most efficient bullet train systems on the western part of the island and you could easily hop from Taipei to Kaohsiung in a few hours. On the eastern side, travel is much slower and you should still stick to a 5-6 day schedule so you can also visit some places along the route. Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hualien and Taipei are the usual suspects.

Walking Insider Tips

  • - bullet train rides cost about 500 NTD to the next major city

  • - slow trains cost around 200 NTD to the next major city

  • - Rides to the next city takes 2 (bullet) to 5 hours (slow train)

  • - Kaohsiung to Taitung is longest route

Guestimate: 50+ train Huandaos per year

How about you start preparing not only your legs, but also your mind!The Huandao (環島) is perfect to get to know friendly locals, delicious cuisine and Taiwanese culture. You might just want to start practicing Chinese before you go and get your tones right.Find out more here:

Let's go together

Have you done the Huandao?Share your epic experience below and we are happy to link out to you as well.While it is often an individual mission, let's form a community of people that are doing this together.

See you on the road

Excited to see you on the road. Let's create a friendly and supportive community around Huandao!


環島 / Huandao

台湾一周旅行「環島 / Huandao」について「環島 / Huandao」とは、台湾を一周する旅行スタイルを指します。台湾はその美しい自然と多様な文化が魅力で、日本から訪れる旅行者にも人気の高い目的地です。自転車やスクーター、車、徒歩、列車など様々な移動手段を選び、個々のペースで旅を楽しむことができます。この旅は台湾の広大な自然や都市の魅力、そして現地の人々との交流を体験できる特別な機会です。主なルート
自転車: 環島を自転車で挑戦する人が多く、特に日本人旅行者にも人気です。通常、10〜14日間で一周することが一般的で、一日に約80〜120kmの距離を走ります。途中、便利な休憩所や自転車専用道路が整備されており、安全に旅を楽しむことができます。
スクーターや車: スクーターや車を使う場合、約5〜7日間で一周できます。特に時間の制約がある場合や、重い荷物を運びたい場合に便利です。主要都市でレンタルサービスを利用できるため、準備も簡単です。
徒歩: 徒歩での環島は非常にチャレンジングですが、自然や地元文化をより深く体験したい方には魅力的な選択肢です。通常、50〜60日ほどかかります。
列車: 台湾鉄路(台鉄)を利用すれば、2〜3日で一周可能です。特急列車の「普悠瑪号」や「自強号」は快適で、沿線の風景を楽しみながら移動できます。
台北: 出発地点として定番の都市で、夜市や歴史的建築が楽しめます。
台南: 古都として知られ、台湾の伝統文化に触れることができます。
高雄: 現代的な雰囲気と美しい港の風景が魅力的です。
花蓮: 太魯閣渓谷などの自然が見どころです。
台東: アートや少数民族文化が豊かです。
毎年、日本から何百人もの旅行者が環島に挑戦しており、全体では何万人もの人々がこの旅を楽しんでいます。どの手段を選んでも、台湾の多様な魅力を体験できること間違いありません。環島 / Huandaoは、ただの移動ではなく、人生の忘れられない思い出となるでしょう。

Let's connect with people from the whole world!

  • - practice languages while on the road

  • - meet new friends!

Welcome to Taiwan!


環島 / Huandao

環島 / Huandao:環島 – 台灣一周的獨特旅行體驗「環島」是指繞台灣本島一周的旅行方式,吸引了無數來自世界各地的旅客,尤其是日本觀光客。每年有成千上萬的人挑戰台灣環島公里數,藉由不同的交通工具與路線探索台灣的自然與文化之美。---環島路線與方式
1. 機車環島路線7天
2. 開車環島
3. 遊覽車環島旅遊
4. 自行車環島
---### 環島行程特色
---### 結語